#DTSummitBLR; Another Step Towards Revolutionising Design Thinking in India
Truth is, innovation is super hard. Teaching innovation, even harder but can be done. At Pensaar we want to revolutionise innovation and up your chances of success using design thinking. It has worked for us and we know it will work for you!
In Pensaar's year and a half, we’ve had the proud privilege of working with 30+ companies, 3000+ people, 70+ problems defined (through deep customer understanding & research), 40+ solutions (products, services, processes, technology) across 10+ domains and geographies. With that confidence, we say Innovation can be nurtured and is domain agnostic. High on the same confidence, we opened up our Design Thinking Summit this year to a 170 people and taught them everything we know over a period of 3 days. As adults, we learn by doing so we picked a challenge real close to most of our hearts, learning and growing ourselves.
Many organisations hope that creating a fun environment (bright collaborative spaces, food on tap, foosball etc.) will help individuals become creative and are shocked when they don’t deliver. Organisations should instead take a hard look at their willingness to change. Change culture, business models, the way people work.
Diversity is one such aspect that contributes to all of the above and it was the mainstay of the Summit. We ensured we had people from diverse backgrounds and it helped that people from across industries were curious about design thinking and were looking at using it back at their workplace, be it in law, design, education or innovation.
Our approach to innovation is straight forward - start by falling in love with the problem, generate many disruptive ideas and rapidly test with customers till you find one that delivers customer delight. While our approach to innovation is straight forward, it still requires the right mindset, discipline, method and process to create a happy outcome.
Our process is rooted in Design Thinking
Pensaar wanted to create an Awesome Learning Experience... to Experience Innovation we decided to personalise, we needed everyone of the participants to know they were special!
No lanyards, no badges, instead we found flattering pictures of the participants and put in on a nice keepsake card with their table numbers. Here's the Pensaar team setting up the table seating.
This experience worked! People quickly found their rooms and tables. They met their table mates who over the next 3 days would be experiencing innovation with them. They were also introduced to their moderators. Most of the moderators were participants from last year's summit, individuals that had applied design thinking & now were looking to pay-it-forward. We are extremely grateful!
While these personalised bottles took a lot of manual work and prep from the Pensaar team, the personalised bottles were another way to let every participant know there was a special place for them at the #DTSummitBLR. Added bonus was that we went green and didn't need any plastic bottles!
The customary group picture of the diverse batch of Design Thinking Summit 2017