design thinking at work

A toolkit with templates For you to innovate!

We’d like to make it easier for you to incorporate design thinking at work. To that end, we have created this design thinking toolkit with tools and templates you have learned in the workshop.
— Pensaar Team

We hope you enjoyed our workshop on ‘’Design thinking’’ on the 26 & 27th of May. Your active participation and enthusiasm in the workshop has made it a memorable experience for us as well. We hope you have started incorporating design thinking in your day to day work.

To help you further incorporate Design Thinking we have created a toolkit with the tools & templates you have learnt in our workshop! Download the toolkit and print out the templates to use.

what is design thinking?

Design Thinking is, delving deep into user journeys and customer contexts to uncover opportunities. Opportunities, that are then nurtured with strategic design solutions, rapid iterations, simulations and a host of creative tools.

Design Thinking is an Iterative 4 step process

Templates included in the tool kit

When & How you can use this Toolkit

  1. To identify the right problem you need to solve for your customer.
  2. To synthsise or prioritize your insights from your brainstorming & ideation sessions.
  3. Quick prototyping for your innovative ideas.
  4. Tools to help you when collaborating with your team.

Are you looking for guidance or coaching as you apply these tools to aid your work?

sign up for a 30 Minutes session!

We are big proponents of design thinking having experienced the benefits first hand and we are happy to answer any quick queries you have! Fill in your details and sign up, we will contact you to schedule a discussion with us.