
Improving end to end food delivery experience through Service Design.

identifying behind-the-scenes activities and front-end mechanisms that enable the desired consumer experience

#Customer Research #Experience Innovation


The online food ordering and delivery business was seeing a spurt in growth, where the constant influx of competitors push brands to always relook at their offerings, business model & service levels, with the objectives of customer retention & acquisition. The need of the hour was an intervention that could provide a much needed to fillip to the plateauing business.


Pensaar Design carried out in-depth qualitative research across the brand’s ecosystem as well as the delivery ecosystem to dig deep and uncover customer expectations, product-service gaps, service and delivery issues, as well as reasons for product abandonment. 

Pensaar Design carried out in-depth qualitative research across the brand’s ecosystem as well as the delivery ecosystem to dig deep and uncover customer expectations, product-service gaps, service and delivery issues, as well as reasons for product …


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understanding service ecosystem

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